
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Butterfly Effect

Tonight I was reminded that what we do makes a difference.
As I was listening to a former student that was raised in my youth ministry. He made reference to a message that I had preached years before and a challenged I had given them. I had challenged them to light a candle every time they were praying for the person God had laid on their hearts to pray for. Well he did it. As a result of his prayers for a family at least 5 people have given their lives to Christ. This is awesome. We never will know on earth how we are effecting eternity.
Never stop. Never doubt. God can use everything you give him.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation

I was reading in Ephesians 1:17 today and a specific line jumped out at me.

"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, so that you may know him better." NIV

I have read this before but never saw that Revelation were classified as a Spirit.
This changes things. Most of us have an understanding that Wisdom and Revelation were things we recieved from God at specific times. However, if we understand that there is a Spirits of Wisdom and a Spirit of Revelation, How would this change the way we live our lives and even seek ofter these gifts?

Monday, February 4, 2008

Be Thankful!

Reading today in my daily devotional, "Daily with the King" by W. Glyn Evans. Which is the best devotional I have ever read.
The thing that stuck out to me was this, "I need to master the ida that what happens in my life each day is what YOU (God) send. It is Your portion, wrapped in the ribbons of love. Each day yields what You send and I cannot lose it. Nothing planned for me is denied me. Whatever arrives is heaven's recipe." Then he goes on to say, "I vow to remember that my daily portion, whether bitter or sweet, is given by Your love and cannot be lost."
As I read this it reminds me that simply all that cames my way in life is from God. If that is true than what I do with this information is left up to me. I can be thankful or upset. I can be stressed or relaxed. I can trust God or not.
I choose to be thankful, relaxed, and trusting of God.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Spiritual Fathers

To be a Spiritual Father is to realize you are Fathering a Spirit