
Monday, February 4, 2008

Be Thankful!

Reading today in my daily devotional, "Daily with the King" by W. Glyn Evans. Which is the best devotional I have ever read.
The thing that stuck out to me was this, "I need to master the ida that what happens in my life each day is what YOU (God) send. It is Your portion, wrapped in the ribbons of love. Each day yields what You send and I cannot lose it. Nothing planned for me is denied me. Whatever arrives is heaven's recipe." Then he goes on to say, "I vow to remember that my daily portion, whether bitter or sweet, is given by Your love and cannot be lost."
As I read this it reminds me that simply all that cames my way in life is from God. If that is true than what I do with this information is left up to me. I can be thankful or upset. I can be stressed or relaxed. I can trust God or not.
I choose to be thankful, relaxed, and trusting of God.

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